Kamis, 29 Desember 2016

Different Words, Synonim, Antonim and Meaning Translation

Different Words, Synonim and Antonim

Different Words
A little

Meaning Translate From Book 

           Dengan jumlah metode komunikasi yang tersedia sekarang, mudah untuk tetap terhubung dengan teman dan keluargamu kembali kerumah. Kmau dapat dengan mudah menemukan Warnet untuk berkomunikasi dengan mereka melalui E-Mail atau Pesan Instan. Selain Itu, kalian dapat menggunakan Komputer Pribadi atau Laptop untuk terkoneksi ke Internet.

           Jika kamu bepergian dengan mobil, akan lebih bijaksana jika kamu membawa Telepon Selulermu. Jika dalam keadaan darurat, kamu dapat pergi ke setiap toko dan membeli pulsa.

           Kamu dapat menambahkan waktu berbicara ke telepon dengan kartu kredit. untuk menggunakan telepon berbayar, kamu memerlukan banyak koin (bukan uang), sebelum menelpon sebuah telpon lokal, di beberapa kota dikenakan biaya 50 sen. Telpon jarak jauh akan jauh lebih mahal, opsi yang lebih baik adalah membeli kartu telepon prabayar, bukan koin. Instruksi telah dicetak pada kartu. Tetapi jika kamu berencana melakukan banyak panggilan telepon, ponsel prabayar lebih baik daripada kartu. 
           Negara Amerika dan Kota lainnya mempunyai "Kode Area" yang berbeda untuk layanan telepon. Mungkin ada banyak kode area dalam area metropolitan. Kode area ini tercantum dalam buku telepon, Jika kalian akan melakukan sebuah telpon jarak jauh, kalian harus menekan tombol "1" kemudian diikuti dengan nomer telepon.

Senin, 03 Oktober 2016


Welcome To My Blog...
            Hello, my name is Untung Wijaya Kusuma Tarigan, I am a student at the Jakarta state Polytechnic of Creative Media. I majored in Photography Studies Publishing Program, why I chose photography as a college education, when i was in vocational high school, I began to be introduced to the world of photography, I find there is an interesting in the world of photography.
            My goal is to make this blog, in addition to want to show the work of my photos, I also want to give a bit of knowledge that I get from my results while studying photography at college and also during my internship. During my internship I have gained a lot of knowledge not only about shooting and editing photos, but also how to behave in front of clients.
For nearly three years I studied photography, I feel I have a lot of things i get in the world of photography. Starting from when photographing in the field of ethics, ethics when meeting clients, angle - angle in shooting, the composition in photography and much more. Now I will start to focus more on studying photography, because in the outside world has a lot of competitors that could be considered very strong. Competing in creating photographs with ideas, concepts and themes that I think has a better resale value. The Science of photography make me become more motivated in making the creation of photographic works that were previously not thought other people